The intent of strategic communication is to reach and convince their audiences. In the corresponding IKMZ focus, the internal and external communication of various stakeholders are placed at the forefront: from the setting of targets, to the implementation and effect. The following topics, among others, are given focus in the research surrounding strategic communication:
- the communication goals of public relations, marketing as well as internal communication,
- the communications management of different organizations such as companies, federal offices and NGOs during voting campaigns, image campaigns or election campaigns, for example,
- the reception and effect of the communication strategies deployed, e.g. of different patterns of argumentation and styles such as emotions, humor and storytelling,
- the effectiveness of testimonials upon the public’s attitudes and behavior,
- the reciprocal effects of persuasive communication with social and psychological characteristics of the public.
«Strategic Communication» is focused on by the IKMZ divisions Strategic Communication & Media Management ans Media Use & Effects.