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Department of Communication and Media Research


Table of contents

Austria – Salzburg – Universität Salzburg

Program Communication Science
Modules Course catalogue
BA level Health Critical Media Perspectives: Hate on the Net - Love, Sex and Social Media - Critical Discourses on Digitalization - Digital Content & Storytelling - Between Production and Representation - Webdesign - Social Media: Producing Content that Works - Journalistic Copywriting Between Framing and Gendering - Media and the Migration in DACH Region - Media, Development and Sustainable Futures in the Global South - Media Makers in Post-Migrant Realities - Sustainability and the Media - Digital News: Analysis of Usage Trends - Data Journalism - Understanding Cultures: Intercultural and Transcultural Communication - Media Law
MA level Multimedia Content Creation, Design and Production - Specialisation Media & Culture - Specialisation Professional Communication - Achtsame - Kommunikation und Resilienzaufbau - Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation und künstlerischer Aktivismus - Realize a Project for the Television - Analyse von Bild- und AV-Inhalten in verschiedenen Plattformen - Webproduktion - Content Creation in Corporate Newsrooms - Medienbiographische Forschung - Kultur und Kommunikation: Mobile Reporting - Digital Communication, Policy and Innovation in Europe - Digital Technology & Management - Critical Analysis of Digital Communication Literature

Austria – Vienna – Universität Wien

Department Department of Communication

Course catalogue

Modules at BA level are taught in German. 

BA level Politische Kommunikation - Visuelle Kommunikation - Theorie und Praxis von Social Media Kommunikation - Arbeitstechnik Journalismus - Arbeitstechnik Werbung und Marktforschung - Arbeitstechnik Öffentlichkeitsarbeit - Theorie und Praxis der Public Affairs - Internationale Kommunikation - Medienpsychologie - Medien und ethnische Minderheiten
MA level Journalism in Times of Media Change - Political Communication and Media Governance in Comparative Perspective - Strategic Communication: Current Approaches in Advertising, PR and Market Comm.  - Media and Communication Management - Health Communication - Interpersonal Communication - Market Research and Opinion Polling - Artificial Intelligence and democracy

Belgium – Antwerp – Universiteit Antwerpen

Faculty Faculty of Social Sciences

Course catalogue

BA level Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication - Multivariate Analysis - Theory of Visual Communication - Emerging Communication Technologies - Qualitative Methods of Communication Research - Quantitative Methods of Communication Research
MA level Consumer Psychology - Internal Communication - Economic Analysis of Inequality - Photography and Intermediality - Content Analysis - Television and Digital Convergence - Seminar Documentary Image Production - Seminar New Media and Politics - Media and Democratic Debate - Persuasive Technologies - Digital Media Futures - The Documentary Image - Visual Aesthetics and Analysis

Croatia – Zagreb – University of Zagreb


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 

Faculty of Organization and Informatics


Website exchange students

BA level Big Data - Computational Linguistics - Socio-Humanistic Informatics - Knowledge and Information Management - Business Communication
MA level Image, Reputation Management and Lobbying - Strategic Thinking in Public Relations - Risk Management and Crisis Communication - Internet Marketing
Managerial Communication and Leadership

Czech Republic – Prague – Charles University

Department Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations

Course catalogue

The third letter of the course code informs on the study level of the course (JPB031 is a BA course, JPM747 is a MA level course). 

BA level Emotions in Marketing - Communication in the Context of Social Scienes - Digital Communication and Sources - Law and Communication - The History of Communication - Economy and Communication - Research in Marketing - Applied Marketing Communication - Global Media - New Media and Society - Media and Popular Culture - Social Media and everydayness - Media and Gender - Visual Journalism - Editing of News - Creative Writing - Media Critisism - Television and Radio as Institutions - Making Foreign News - Strategic Communication: A Practice - Marketing and Media Literacy - Media in Foreign Policy - Sustainability as topic in media communication
MA level

Communication and Politics - Media and Culture - Trends of Contemporary Media - Media and Propaganda - Sociology of Media - Current Issues in Digital Media Studies - Qualitative Media Research - Media, Power and Politics - Effects of the Media - Intercultural Communication - Media and the Children - Strategic Communication in an Intercultural Contex - Media Relations - Effective Communication in a Public Sector - Nation Branding - Communicating Europe - Audiovisual Interpretation of Reality - Content Analysis - Czech Media System in European Comparison - Agenda Setting - Media Literacy and Media Education - History of Communication Technologies - Media Sociology - Media Writing - Comparing Media Systems - Ethics of Journalism in Practice - Radio and TV Journalism - Political Economy of Communication - Business Journalism - Understanding Media - Development and Position of the Media in Modern Society - Investigative Journalism - New Media Trends - Data Journalism - AI Journalism - Digital Journalism and Data Analysis

Denmark – Aarhus – Aarhus University

Faculty Faculty of Arts

Course catalogue

Filter on Department (Department of Culture & Society, and School of Communication & Culture), Language (English) and Type of Course (Exchange). 

BA level Communication Theory and Practice - Curating Data - Datafication of Society - Digital Communication - Environmental Communication - Focus Area: Risk Communication - Intercultural Communication - Internal Communication - Journalism, Conflict and Climate Change - Social Marketing Communication - Web-based Communication - Alternative Data Futures - Art, Images, and Vision in Digital Culture - Case Studies in Cultural and Creative Industries: Problem-based Research and Development
MA level

Cultural and Creative Industries - Engaging Conflict and Culture - Interculturality and Communication - Interculturality in Organisational Contexts - Production and Communication of Heritage - Transcultural Communication - Applied Qualitative Research Methods - Audiovisual Media Production: Style and Narration - Digital Identities and Social Media

Denmark – Copenhagen – University of Copenhagen

Department Department of Communication

Course catalogue

Click on «Courses for exchange students» and select language «English».
Select "Faculty of Humanities" and your level (Bachelor / Master)
The majority of modules are 15 ECTS each.

BA level Analysis of Digital Media - Digital Strategic Communication Elective - Open Data Science - Danish Film, Television, and Streaming
MA level

Topics in Cognition and Communication - Media Theory and Analysis: Digital Media Network and Society - Digital Communication and Media Culture: Researching AI, Bursting the hot bubble - Knowledge, Science, and Technology - Applied Philosophy - Research Methods and Experimental Design

Finland – Turku – Åbo Akademi University Turku


Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Social Sciences


Website exchange students

BA level TBC
MA level


Germany – Berlin – Freie Universität Berlin


Institue of Media and Communication Studies


Course catalogue

BA level TBC
MA level


Germany – Berlin – Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin




Course catalogue

BA level TBC
MA level


Germany – Bremen– Universität Bremen

Department Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung

Course catalogue

BA level Media Practices: Constructive Reporting on Polar Research - News Service: Generative AI and Platform Governance - TV and Online Video Market: - Structures, Economy and Marketing - Media System in Practice - Corporate Communication - Media Education and Media Literacy as career opportunity - Understanding Social Media Algorithms - Social Media Operations and Management - Medienzukunft und Mediennostalgie - AI and Media: How does media talk about AI - Medien und Demokratie im Wandel - The past as reflected in the media: Journalism and collective memory - Mediale Darstellungen und Postkoloniale Machtstrukturen - The Politics of Social Media Platforms - Hate Speech, Misinformation, and Election Interference - Theories of Media Effects - Media and App Lab - Media Informatics - Campus TV Studio
MA level

Approaches to Digital Media - Digital Life - Communication, Media andEthics in Digital Society - Media & Education - Introduction to Programming - Understanding Language with Computers - Search Technology for Media & Web - Media System in Practice - Corporate Communication - Generative Imagery: - Einsatz und Wirkung KI-generierter Bilder - The EU Elections 2024 on Social Media - Mediated Engagement: Media and Communication Theory - Conspiracy Theories over time - Transcultural Media: Digital Games and Community - Social Media Platforms: Formation, Dynamics, Governance - The future of media: Where our deeply mediatized world is heading

Germany – Dresden – Technische Universität Dresden

Program Medienforschung

Website exchange students

BA level TBC
MA level


Germany – Hamburg– Universität Hamburg


Institut für Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaften (GWISS)

Institut für Journalistik und Kommunikationswissenschaften (WISO)


Course catalogue

Bachelor's students study at GWISS (Faculty of Arts). Master's students study at WISO (Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences) or GWISS (Faculty of Arts). 

BA level Analyse audiovisueller Medien - Das Mediesystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Audiovisuelle Produktionen - Grundlagen der Medien: Digitalisierung - Grundlagen der Medien: Bildmedien - Grundlagen der Medien: Soziale Medien - Fernsehkritik, True Crime Formate - Multimodale Kommunikation - Serien, Webserien, digitale Serien - Kulturen in Audiomedien - Investigative digitale Ethnographie politischer Desinformation auf Telegram - Online Produktion - Grundlagen des Webdesigns - Journalismus und Medien in der digitalen Welt
MA level

Climate Communication - Media Journalism - Advanced Journalistic Research: Investigative and Digital Mobile Reporting - Misinformation, Fake News, and Alternative Facts - Reflection on Data Worlds - Political Framing in the Media - Social Media: Forms, Practices, Effects - Media Use and Media Effects in the - Digital World - Media Systems - Journalism and the Digital Network Society - Journalism and Media in the Digital World - Journalism and (its) Audience - Data and AI Literacy in Journalism - Data Visualisation and Storytelling

Germany – Munich – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung


Course catalogue

As of course number 15385 = Master level

BA level

Crashcourse in Podcasting - Dressed to Impress? Fashion as Visual Strategic Communication - Insights into media audience measurement systems and their data - The media audience measurement industry: Purposes, practices, perils  - Digital Storytelling: Concepts & Strategies - Psychische Gesundheit und Smartphone-Nutzung - Analysing networks of climate change disinformation on social platforms - Qualitätskriterien im Journalismus - von Neutralität bis Propaganda - Wissenschaftskommunikation - Insights into media audience measurement systems and their data - Praxis der digitalen Medien – User Experience - Digital Storytelling: Concepts & Strategies - Medienökonomie / Media Economics - Einführung in Theorie und Grundlagen der Public Relations

MA level

Developing testing, fielding, and analysing a survey of journalists on AI and automation in the news - Burning (Out) for Journalism - Toleranz? Akzeptanz? Reaktanz? Ursachen und Folgen von Identitätsbedrohungen und Freiheitseinschränkungen in (öffentlichen) Diskursen - Formative und summative Wirkungsforschung in der strategischen Organisationskommunikation - Theorien, Modelle, Methoden und Gegenstände der international vergleichenden PR-Forschung 

Germany – Münster – Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster


Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft (IfK)


Website exchange students

BA level TBC
MA level


Iceland – Reykjavik – University of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands)


Faculty of Social Sciences

Faculty of Humanties


Course catalogue

BA level Business and Intercultural Communication - Communication and Human Interaction - Marketing Plans - Public Speaking and the Art of Persuasion - Emojis in language, technology and society - Creative Industries - Diversity Management and Inclusion
MA level

Qualitative Research Methods - Theories in Social and Human Sciences - Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation - Globalization - Survey Research Methods - Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations - Ethics of Science and Research

Ireland – Dublin– University College Dublin

Department School of Information and Communication Studies

Course catalogue

Search all modules. Level 1 to 3 are undergraduate modules and level 4 are postgraduate modules. Modules with a letter at the end of their code (e.g. STAT1003J) are not available.

BA level Digital  Media Ethics - Social Media & Participation in an Online World - Contextual Design Inquiry in Organisations - Computer Mediated Communication - Digital Media and Climate Crisis - Social Media & Participation in an Online World - Artificial Intelligence - Digital Storytelling - Web Publishing - People, Information & Communication: Our Information Behaviour - Media Production Cultures - Creative & Interactive Media
MA level

No agreement on MA level

Italy – Pavia – Università degli Studi di Pavia

Department Department of Political and Social Sciences

Course catalogue BA modules

Course catalogue MA modules

BA: Communication, Innovation and Multimedia Studies  (Italian) - BA: Political Science (Italian / English) - MA: Digital Communication (Italian / English) - MA: World Politics and International Relations (English)

BA level

Comunicazione Politica - Digital Media - Dritto privato delle nuove tecnologie - Societa, Economia e Communicazione - Economia Politica e Informazione - Opinione Pubblica e Media Analysis - Communicazione Digitale et Multimediale - Marketing et Tecnica della Communicazione Pubblicitaria - Comunicazione della Scienza - Big Data e Algoritmi di Appredimento Automatico - Economia Digitale et dell'Innovazione - Sustainable societies: social inclusion, environment and well-being - Economic models of politics

MA level

Methods of Digital and Ethnographic Research - Digital Consumers Culture - Methodological and Computational Approaches in Data Science - Advanced Digital Marketing - Digital Reputation - Public Diplomacy in the Digital Age -  Communication of Technology and AI - Relazione Pubbliche - Opinione Pubblica Digitale - Giornalismo Digitale - Tecnologie Digitale e Intelligenza Artificiale - Tecnologie Digitale e Persuasive Design - Tecnologie Digitale, Web Marketing e Social Network - Narrazione d'Impresa

Netherlands – Amsterdam – University of Amsterdam

Department College of Communication
Modules Course catalogue
Click on "all courses", then at the left under "Institutes", on "College of Communication". Communication students can also choose courses from the Exchange Programme Social and Behavioural Sciences. 
BA level Topic Content Marketing - Topic Health Communication - Topic Algorithmic - Persuasion in the Digital Society - The Role of Emotions in Political Communication - Behavioural Data Science - Data Literacy - Digital Warfare: The Future of Cyber Threats in the Twenty-first Century - Cmmunication Ethics - Computational Communication Science - Corporate Communication - Entertainment Communication - Persuasive Communication - Political Communication and Journalism - Qualitative Research - The Media Landscape - Topic All Things Media? Emerging communication technologies and their impact on us and society - Topic Always Connected: Key insights in youth, media and technology - Topic Political Marketing, Campaigns and Voters - Topic The Language of Strategic Communication
MA level No agreement on MA level

Netherlands – Amsterdam – VU University

Faculty Faculty of Social Sciences
Modules Course catalogue
Exchange students must select courses from the exchange study guide - P1, P2, P3 = Fall semester - P4, P5, P6 = spring semester. 
BA level Health Communication and Social Media - Documentary Film - International Law & World Politics - Branding and Design - New Media Challenges - Risk and Health Communication - News and Journalism - Marketing and Persuasive Communication - Data Science: Visualization and Analytics in R - Interpersonal Communication -Media Entertainment - Media, Society and Politics - Behaviour and Communication in Organizations
MA level Essentials of Media Psychology - Marketing Communication and the Consumer - News and Information in the Digital Age - Probematic and Beneficial Effects of Media Use - Branding and Design - Communication Technology in Organizations - Privacy Self-disclosure and Big Data - Storytelling: The Persuasive Power of Narratives

Netherlands – Groningen – University of Groningen

Faculty Faculty of Arts (Communication Studies)
Modules Course catalogue
BA level TBC 
MA level TBC 

Netherlands – Rotterdam – Erasmus University Rotterdam

Department Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Course catalogue

The semester is divided in 2 terms. In general, you attend 15 ECTS per term. There are no Master level courses offered during the last term of the spring semester (term 4). 

BA level Consumption and Identity - Media Industries and Audiences - Digital Content - Coroporate Communication - International Journalism - Media Audiences and Effects - Global Advertising - Media Industries: Trends and Strategies - Transmedia Entertainment and Marketing - Creativity and Innovation in - Contemporary Business - Digital Media and Health - Social Media Marketing - Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Action - Public Diplomacy - Current Perspectives on Popular Culture - Key Concepts in Social Sciences - Marketing Arts and Culture
MA level New Media, Politics, and Campaigns - Media and Business Transformations - Corporate Management with Social Media - Engaging Consumers - Digital Media and Cultural Identities - Media, Culture, and Globalization - Digitalization and Social Change - Surveillance and Societies - Participating Audiences - Privacy, Ethics and Social Impacts - Strategic Mass Communication - Leadership Communication: Strategies and Trends - Digital News Media - Unboxing the Algorithm - Media Policies and Markets - Media Entrepreneurship - Digital Citizens and Communities

Netherlands – Utrecht – Utrecht University


Languages, Literature and Communication

Media and Culture Studies

Modules Course catalogue
BA level TBC 
MA level TBC

Norway – Oslo – University of Oslo


Department of Media and Communication

Modules Course catalogue
BA level Media Analysis - Audiovisual Aesthetics - Framing the environment in media and communication studies - Communicating climate change - Video Games: Aesthetics, Industry and Culture - Contemporary TV Fiction - Media, War and Journalism: Blurred Lines and Smokescreens - Alternative Film - Audiovisual Media Temporalities: Temporality in Films, Series, Games and Social Media 
MA level Media Innovations - Media Innovation and generative AI - Political Communication: Opinion Processes and Influence - Controversies surrounding media and identities - Contemporary TV fiction - Journalism: Theory, Practice, Dilemmas - Media, War and Journalism: Blurred Lines and Smokescreens - Game Studies - Internet, Self and Society - Creative Methods for making sense of multimodal social media - Screen Histories and Theories - Photofake - Screen Politics - Qualitative Methodology in Media Studies - Textual Analysis in Media Studies

Norway – Trondheim – Norwegian University of Science and Technology



Modules Website exchange students
BA level TBC 
MA level TBC 

Poland – Katowice – University of Silesia


Institute of Journalism and Media Communication

Modules Website exchange students
BA level TBC 
MA level No agreement on MA level

Poland – Wroclaw – University of Wroclaw


Journalism and Social Communication 

Modules Website exchange students
BA level TBC 
MA level No agreement on MA level

Spain – Madrid – Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Program Periodismo (Journalism)

Course catalogue

Choose Grado en Periodismo, Fuenlabrada, 2001. Language of instruction is Spanish.

BA level Diseño de la Información Periodística - Historia del Periodismo - Derecho de la Comunicación - Producción de la Información Audiovisual - Producción de Programas Informativos en Radio - Producción de Programas Informativos en Televisión - Estrategias Creativas en Publicidad - Estructura del Sistema de Medios - Empresa Periodistica 
MA level No agreement on MA level

Spain – Pamplona – Universidad de Navarra

Department School of Communication

Course catalogue

Competitive module booking. English modules fill up quickly as soon as the booking period starts. 

BA level Artificial Intelligence in Journalism - Business Intelligence and Martec - Digital Content Management - Intercultural Communication - Media Management - Derecho de la Comunicacion Audiovisual - Strategies in Fashion Communication - Visual Culture - Big Data for Marketing - Brand Leadership - Branded Content - Ciberperiodismo - Comunicacion empresarial y financiera - Comunicacion global - Comunicacion politica - Comunicacion radiofonica - Comunicacion y critica cultural - Comunicacion y tendencias - Corporate Communication - Creacion de contendidos digitales - Data driven marketing - Diseno periodistico - Effective speaking and writing - Global Communication - Historia del Periodismo - Marketing digital - News design 
MA level No agreement on MA level

Sweden – Lund – Lund University

Faculty Faculty of Social Sciences

Course catalogue

Select Social Sciences

BA level Data Collection from the Internet: An introduction to web scraping - Media History - Artificial Intelligence and Psychology - Public Affairs - Strategic Communication: Brand Culture - Crisis Communication in Organisations and Societies - Applied Visual Communication - Strategic Communication and Digital Media - Culture and Society - Strategic Communication: Contemporary Public Relations - Crisis Communication in Organisations and Societies 
MA level Media and Communication Methodology - Strategic Communication: - Communication Theory - Brand Communication - Public Relations - Organisational Communication - Crisis Communication - Research and Evaluation for Practice: Planning and Controlling - Qualitative Methods

Sweden – Örebro – Örebro University

Program Media and Communication Studies

Course catalogue

Select Course Catalogue for Exchange Students.

BA level Global Communication - Media, Communication and Sustainability - Public Relations and Applied Communication - Social Media, Disinfomation and Fake News - Strategic Communication and Place Branding - Visual Communication
MA level No agreement on MA level

United Kingdom – Aberdeen – University of Aberdeen

Department Social Science
Language, Literature, Visual Culture & Music

Website exchange students

BA level Eurovision: Media, Memory, Euphoria & Identities - Marketing - The Global City in Text and Film
MA level No agreement on MA level

United Kingdom – Birmingham – University of Birmingham

Department College of Social Sciences

Course catalogue

Modules offered by School of Business & School of Social Policy

BA level Media and Society - Introduction to Social Divisions - Introduction to Marketing and Communications - Strategic Global Communication
MA level No agreement on MA level

United Kingdom – Durham – Durham University

Department Business School Undergraduate
Modern Languages & Cultures

Course catalogue

Fulltime students usually take 6 modules across the academic year. Students may choose modules from up to 3 departments.

BA level Media Law - Art and Film Writing: Engaging Audiences - Digital Culture: Social Media, Virtual Harm and Emancipatory Expression - Mastering Data and Computation - Applied Brand Strategy - Consumer Behaviour - Managing Marketing Communications - Applied Brand Strategy - Research Methods in Action - Introduction to Visual Culture Studies - Cyberculture and Cybercrime
MA level No agreement on MA level

United Kingdom – Leeds – University of Leeds

Faculty TBC

Website exchange students

BA level TBC
MA level Working in Digital Media Teams - Global Migration, 'race' and media - War and Media - Journalism Ethics - International Communication - Graphic and Communication Design

United Kingdom – Nottingham – University of Nottingham

Faculty TBC

Website exchange students

BA level TBC
MA level No agreement on MA level