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Department of Communication and Media Research

Credit Recognition

How to transfer the credits obtained abroad?

  1. Familiarize yourself with the modules offered by the host university. For examples, see International Network. The final module offering is usually known in the semester before your departure.
  2. In case you will study at a university outside of Europe, you do not need a Learning Agreement. You can continue with number 5 below.
  3. In case you will study at a university in Europe, you must enter the modules, including links to the module descriptions at the host university in Mobility-Online, mentioning the desired module group under "Course unit title at the home institution", then confirm. 
  4. The Learning Agreement will be checked and signed by IKMZ and automatically sent to the host university. IKMZ drafts a credit recognition agreement. You will receive this by e-mail.

  5. In case you will study at a university outside of Europe, please send an overview of the modules, including links to the module descriptions at the host university to IKMZe-mail. IKMZ drafts a credit recognition agreement. The foreign credits will be converted into ECTS at the end of your stay.

  6. After the stay abroad, you send the Transcript of Records (ToR) from the host university to IKMZ e-mail. The credits of the passed courses will be visible in your student portal within one week. For a transfer of credits in the same semester, the ToR must be sent to us no later than 20th September (spring semester)/ 20th February (fall semester).

For the transfer of credits, it is important that the modules are level appropriate and related to the field of communication and media.

The credits are transferred to the module group:

  • "Weitere Themenfelder …" (BA)/ "Forschungsbereiche …" (MA) in case of lectures
  • "Anwendung …" (BA)/ "Qualifizierung …" (MA) in case of seminars
  • "Further Topics in the Field" (MA Internet & Society)
  • "Gegenstandsbereiche…" (BA), only if the content of the module abroad corresponds exactly with our core elective module from this module group.

Seminars can also be credited as lectures, e.g. if you rather need ECTS in the module group "Weitere Themenfelder …" (BA)/ "Forschungsbereiche …" (MA). It does not work the other way around - lectures cannot be credited as seminars.

The number of credits does not have to match exactly. You get the (converted) credits you acquire abroad. That means, if you take a seminar worth 10 ECTS abroad, you will get these 10 ECTS in the module group "Anwendung …" (BA)/ "Qualifizierung …" (MA) / "Further Topics in the Field" (MA Internet & Society), although at IKMZ the seminars are worth 6 ECTS each. If you attend a lecture abroad worth 2 ECTS, you will get these 2 ECTS in the module group "Weitere Themenfelder …" (BA)/ "Forschungsbereiche …" (MA)/ "Further Topics in the Field" (MA Internet & Society), although at IKMZ the lectures are worth 3 or 6 ECTS each. Excess credits cannot be transferred to other modules.

No problem. We convert the credits into ECTS. We convert the grades into Swiss grades.

If you will be studying at an IKMZ partner university (subject-specific), no minimum number of ECTS is required. For UZH-wide destinations, a minimum number of 15 ECTS is required. In exceptional cases - failed course, bachelor’s thesis, ... - less ECTS might be accepted. The partner university can also require a minimum number of ECTS.

Yes. Since you remain enrolled at UZH, you may take modules at UZH at the same time. However, the UZH module cannot be cancelled in case of exam overlap. If you are on leave of absence, you cannot not take courses at UZH.

We allow you to take minor modules abroad as long as approved by the departmental coordinator at your Minor. Not all faculties allow this. For the credit recognition of Minor modules, you need a separate credit recognition agreement. This will be drawn up by the departmental coordinator at your Minor. The host university must also agree with the module selection. Most of the time the host university requires that the majority of the modules are from your Major.

You are allowed to take master modules abroad as long as the host university agrees. If you take more than 30 ECTS of Master modules, only 30 ECTS of them will be transferred to your future Master studies at UZH. 

The Learning Agreement (LA) is a contract between you, UZH and the Erasmus+/ SEMP host university. You need the LA for the SEMP scholarship. You have to upload the LA in Mobility-Online in time. The Credit Recognition Agreement (AV) is a contract between you and IKMZ for the credit transfer and must be drawn up before the start of the semester abroad.

After the stay abroad, you send the Transcript of Records (ToR) from the host university to IKMZ e-mail. The credits of the passed courses will be visible in your student portal within one week. For a transfer of credits in the same semester, the ToR must be sent to us no later than 20th Sept. (spring semester)/ 20th Feb. (fall semester).