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Department of Communication and Media Research


DACH 21 – the first three-country conference on communication science took place from April 7th to 9th, 2021 and was organized and hosted by the Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ) at the University of Zurich.

As an online-only conference with 553 participants from 16 countries, DACH 21 was a big success, due to a good mix of proven components of an annual conference and new, innovative features. These included more than 120 scientific presentations and a keynote presentation, panel discussions, general meetings, and workshops. In addition, pre-recorded video presentations provided more room for discussions. Formats such as online speed dating, get-togethers in virtual meeting locations and the conference dinner in festive virtual rooms with entertaining interludes contributed to a special conference community feeling. Another unforgettable event was the raclette, which participants enjoyed together in front of the screen using a specially sent raclette oven.

More about DACH 21 in UZH News

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DACH 21 by the numbers

3 Days
16 Countries
31 Panels
124 Talks
153 Bilateral speeddates
274 Speakers
282 Attended keynote
391 “Päckli” sent
553 Participants

  • SpatialChat
  • Gruppe
  • Studio 1
  • Studio2
  • Studio3
  • Mike S. Schäfer
  • Thomas Zerback
  • Thomas N. Friemel
  • Valerie Hase
  • M. Eisenegger & V. Hase
  • T. Zerback & M. Schäfer
  • LGD
  • SpatialChat
  • Gruppe