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The Communication Student Association represents the interests of all students at the IKMZ, ensures active communication between the students, the institute and the university and organises events (company tours, graduation celebrations, parties, alumni talks,...) for the students. The members of the FVcom work on a voluntary basis and are in close contact with the IKMZ and other university associations.
You want to become a member and get actively involved? Get in touch with us:
The Communication Student Association (FVcom) is led by the president and the managing director or finance board and is divided into three departments: Public Relations, Events and University Policy. In addition to the president and the managing director or finance board, each department is represented on the Board with one vote. The highest body of the Fachverein Communication is the General Assembly.
1. Public Relations
The PR team is responsible for the social media channels and website of the Communication Student Association. It thus takes care of the external image of the Communication Student Association. In addition, the PR team regularly organises guided tours, career events and workshops for which all students of the IKMZ can register. The tours take place, for example, at PR agencies, news editorial offices or publishing houses. The workshops are designed to impart skills and knowledge. The career events are intended to show career prospects, facilitate career entry and enable networking.
2. Events
Every semester, several events are organised for students of Communication Studies and Media Research. Some of these events take place in cooperation with other subject associations, which strengthens student cohesion across institutes and faculties. For example, the Sangría party was organised in cooperation with the Computer Science Student Association as well as the Psychology Student Association, the night seminar, theme evenings in the Irchelbar and a stand at the day rave "Tanz am Irchel" by the Event Team.
3. University politics
The University Policy Team is in direct contact with various university institutions, including of course the IKMZ. At their meetings, it advocates for the needs of students of communication science and media research. The aim is to improve and simplify student life at the university. In cooperation with the IKMZ, the team is also responsible for organising events such as the Ersti-Day.
Instagram: fachverein_com
TikTok: fachverein_com