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IKMZ students have the opportunity to complete part of their studies at another university. Why should you…
T ake this opportunity? Because you broaden your horizon,
I mmerse yourself in another culture,
M ake new friends,
E xtend your international network;
O btain credits at the host university,
F ind new paths to pursue.
Y ou will never forget this experience. Whether in
O ceania, America, Europe, Asia or Africa. So
U se this chance to develop and
R eturn with a bag of new insights.
L earn in a different academic environment and
I mprove your language skills.
F ly, drive or ride to another city and
E nrich your CV.
An exchange semester is the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself, get out of your comfort zone and take the step towards being a global citizen. It will never be so easy again to spend a couple of months abroad!
For many IKMZ students, it was the time of their life.