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Department of Communication and Media Research

Application & Admission

Admission Requirements Master Program Internet & Society

Prerequisite for admission into the program is a Bachelor's degree in Communication & Media, other Social Sciences (e.g., Sociology, Political Science) or in Psychology amounting to at least 60 ECTS. Further requirements are:

  • Good grades in the Bachelor's program
  • Very good English language skills at the academic level (in listening and reading as well as speaking and writing)
  • A motivation letter in English
  • A recommendation letter in English (to be submitted by the referee, see paragraph Recommendation Letter below)
  • A scholarly paper written by the applicant in English (a term paper written independently or as part of a group with a clear own contribution of at least 10 pages, or several short papers)
  • At the request of the Admissions Committee:
    • further evidence of qualifications relevant to the study program
    • an admissions interview  

Applicants without appropriate knowledge may be subject to additional requirements. The study program’s Admissions Committee makes the decision on admission to the study program.
Information on admission requirements is set out in the program-specific appendix to the program's study regulations (in German).
Information on the application process and formal admission requirements can be found on the UZH Application & Admission webpages.


Applications must be submitted online via the UZH Application Portal. Please read the pages Admission to the Master’s Program and Online Application and Admission before you apply.

Upload all the necessary documents on the application portal (see documents to submit and the paragraph Admission Requirements Master Program Internet & Society above). The recommendation letter must be submitted directly by the referee together with the evaluation form.

UZH students apply for the program change at the Administration Office. Students with a degree in Communication Science and Media Research from the University of Zurich (Major / Minor) are exempt from submitting a paper and a recommendation letter. 

Recommendation Letter

The recommendation letter must be submitted directly by the referee together with the recommendation form. The recommendation letter must be signed and written by a lecturer using an official letterhead showing the affiliation of the writer.
We are currently experiencing a technical issue that causes an error message to appear when submitting a recommendation letter, indicating that the form could not be submitted. Despite this message, we are receiving the recommendation letters successfully. Please disregard the error message and refrain from resubmitting the letter. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding.


Admission into the Master's program involves the following three steps:

  1. Application assessment by the University: The Admissions Office reviews the application based on the formal criteria set out by the Ordinance on Admission to Studies at the University of Zurich.
  2. Academic Review: Once the Admissions Office approves the application, the documents are forwarded to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (examination delegate) and the Department of Communication and Media Research (Admissions Committee) for academic review. Each application is reviewed individually.
  3. The Admissions Office sends you a decision on admission, informing you of your admission.

Weiterführende Informationen

Recommendation Letter

Start Date

You can start with the Internet & Society Master’s program every year in September (fall semester).
As of academic year 2024/2025, it is no longer possible to start in February (spring semester).


Every year, the application period starts on 1st January.

The timing of decision on admission depends on when the complete application was submitted.
– Submitted by 28th Feb.: Mid-April
– Submitted by 30th April:  Mid-June
– Submitted by 30th June (internal applicants): Mid-July
– Submitted by 31st Aug. (internal applicants): Mid-Sept.