Sina Blassnig wird an die Universität Freiburg (CH) berufen
IKMZ hosted the Korean Committee on the Impact of Media Concentration
Präsentation Jahrbuch Qualität der Medien 2023
Project co-led by IKMZ’s Niels Mede has been highly commended at MRS Awards 2023
IKMZ People: New Members and New Positions
fög und IKMZ an der Scientifica 2023
Data Donation Symposium, 11 & 12 September
Media Literacy Project Featured in UZH News
Special Issue of "Communication Theory"
Article by Daniela Mahl in "The Conversation"
Reuters Institute Digital News Report
IKMZ ist jetzt auf LinkedIn
Silke Fürst received the DGPuK Theory Award and the SACM Best Paper Award
Niels Mede received the 2023 Dissertation Award of the SACM
Gabriele Siegert zum 60. Geburtstag
IKMZ People: New Members and New Positions
In Erinnerung an Barbara Hänsli (14.3.1955 – 11.2.2023)
Neuer IT-Verantwortlicher am IKMZ
Goodbye Speech of Visiting Professor Axel Bruns (assisted by ChatGPT)