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Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung

Neue IKMZ Mitarbeitenden


Jihye Park

Jihye Park joined IKMZ July 1, 2022 as a Senior Research and Teaching Associate (Oberassistent) in the division of International and Comparative Media Research.
Her research interest is in political and intergroup communication focusing on intergroup bias, affective polarization and media effects on politics. In IKMZ, she will be teaching a BA seminar class named media use and political polarization.
She earned Ph.D. in Communication from University of Missouri-Columbia and worked as a research associate in Political Communication Institute at the University of Missouri.
She currently, joined the SNF-funded project of online and offline uncivil disagreement across social media platforms and across countries.

We warmly welcome Jihye Park as a new member of the IKMZ team!




Céline Odermatt

Céline Odermatt joined IKMZ in September 2022 as a research and teaching assistant and PhD student in the Media Change and Innovation division under Prof. Dr. Michael Latzer. Since 2019, she has worked as a student research assistant under Prof. Dr. Latzer. She holds a bachelor’s degree in communication and media research and completed her master’s degree in Internet and Society at UZH. Her current research interests include algorithmic selection applications, dataveillance and privacy.

We warmly welcome Céline Odermatt as a new member of the IKMZ team!




Lukas Hess

Lukas Hess trat seine Stelle am IKMZ per 1. September 2022 an. Er doktoriert in der Abteilung Internetnutzung & Gesellschaft. Nach seinem Bachelor am IKMZ hat er mit Kolleg:innen den unabhängigen Think Tank “Dezentrum” aufgebaut, der sich für eine fairere und nachhaltigere Digitalisierung einsetzt. Diese Bestrebungen setzt er nun in seiner Forschung am IKMZ zu den Themen "Internet Skill" und "Digital Inequality" fort.

Wir heissen Lukas Hess herzlich willkommen am IKMZ!




Xiaoyue Yan

Xiaoyue Yan started her position in September 2022 as a research and teaching assistant and PhD student in the Science Communication division. Together with Prof. Dr. Mike S. Schäfer and Prof. Dr. Nadine Strauss, she will explore the functions of climate change visuals in climate change communication with automated visual content analysis. Xiaoyue obtained her bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature and got a dual degree in Communication Science from Beijing Normal University (2020) and completed her Research Master’s study in Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam (2022).

We warmly welcome Xiaoyue Yan as a new member of the IKMZ team!




Yuan Zhang

Yuan Zhang is a Research Assistant and Ph.D. Student in the division of International and Comparative Media Research since September 2022.
Her research interests mainly lies in political communication, hate speech, and extensive application of quantitative methods. She is working as a part of the SNF-funded project on cross-platform & cross-national analysis of the offline consequences of online Incivility.
She obtained her Master’s degree in Political Science and Political Economy at LSE (2019) and her Master’s degree in Social Data Science at University of Oxford (2022).
In her Master’s dissertation at Oxford, she studied the online dissemination of populist messages in China by comparing Chinese domestic media platform and international media platform.

We warmly welcome Yuan Zhang as a new member of the IKMZ team!




Becca Smith

Becca Smith joined IKMZ in September 2022 as a Research Assistant in the Internet Use & Society Division led by Eszter Hargittai. She earned her Bachelor’s in Communication Studies and Spanish at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois (2017). She has worked for international education and technology companies across North America, South America, and Europe. She was most recently awarded a Fulbright scholarship to obtain her Master’s in Talent Development and Human Resources at IE University in Madrid, Spain (2022). In the Internet Use & Society Division at IKMZ, Becca is working with Prof. Dr. Eszter Hargittai to research how people learn about science and religion online.

We warmly welcome Becca Smith as a new member of the IKMZ team!




Yves Heck

Seit dem 10. Oktober 2022 arbeitet Yves Heck als IT-Supporter in der Abteilung IT am IKMZ. Nebenbei studiert er an der Universität Zürich 'Kommunikationswissenschaft & Medienforschung" im Hauptfach und "Betriebswirtschaftslehre" im Nebenfach.

Wir heissen Yves Heck herzlich willkommen am IKMZ!

