News list
More than 200 news outlets worldwide report on first publication of TISP project co-led by Niels G. Mede
New Handbook Chapter "Fake News and Misinformation"
Niels Mede and Viktoria Cologna win 2024 Postdoc Team Award of University of Zurich
New Project Report on Science vs. Activism
PhD position (80%, 4 years) at IKMZ
Election of Sabrina H. Kessler as Speaker of the Swiss Young Academy
New Project: Digital Resilience
COALESCE: “Generative AI and Science Communication: Opportunities and Challenges”
Unveiling misinformation on YouTube
TISP Many Labs Project Featured in Nature News
New project: "SciComm meets Comedy"
Two projects get funding: "AI in Science and Society" & "Science vs. Activism"
Project co-led by Niels Mede has been highly commended at MRS Awards 2023
Vorsicht #Desinformation
Silke Fürst received the DGPuK Theory Award and the SACM Best Paper Award
Digital Health: COVID-19 misinformation on YouTube
Journal of Science Communication: The Notorious GPT: science communication in the age of artificial intelligence
New publication: "Conceptualizing platformed conspiracism"
Niels Mede received the 2023 Dissertation Award of the SACM
Sabrina Kessler elected member of Prix Média Commission
Neue Publikation: Grundlagenbeitrag: Inhaltsanalysen inklusive Medienanalysen
Sabrina H. Kessler Wahl zur Fachgruppensprecherin
Neue Publikation: Visuelle Evidenzen aus historischer Perspektive
Science Barometer Switzerland 2022: New results published
Science vs Activism? Exploring the Boundary
Chapters in "The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication"
Dissertation awards for Silke Fürst
New Project: The Effect of Disinformation on Opinion Formation
Dissertation award for Sophia Volk
Handbook “Standardized Content Analysis in Communication Research”
Special Issue on Mis- and Disinformation About Covid-19: Challenges for Health Communication
New book: TikTok: Creativity and Culture in Short Video
Book chapter on digital self-tracking
International Journal of Communication: Typologizing the Swiss Population’s COVID-19-Related Conspiracy Beliefs
Agriculture and Human Values: Genome-edited versus genetically-modified tomatoes
Doctoral position (60%, for 3-6 years) at IKMZ
New Media & Society: Conspiracy theories in online environments
Niels Mede elected member of ORCID Researcher Advisory Council
Journal of Public Health: Debunking health myths on the internet
Public Understanding of Science: Mapping mental models of science communication
Bookchapter: Eyetracking Study
Public Understanding of Science: Science-related populism declining during the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19: Science and Society
Global Environmental Change: Climate change in news media across the globe
- New leadership at IKMZ
New study: Severe underrepresentation of women in Swiss media
Digital Journalism: Conceptualizing “Dark Platforms”
Mass Communication & Society: Terrorist Organizations in the News
New Paper: Beyond the ivory tower
New Paper: From “Nasa Lies” to “Reptilian Eyes”
Journalism: What is terrorism (according to the news)?
Journalism Studies: 2 Publications
Disinformation on COVID-19 vaccination on YouTube: An analysis of content, impact, and subsequent verification processes via online search
Doctoral position (60%, for 3 years) at IKMZ
SciPop Scale included in 21st survey wave of Austrian Corona Panel Project
Silke Fürst new editor at SComS
The Science Communication Division in 2021: Where to Find Us
New Project: What can we learn from COVID-19 fake news about the spread of scientific misinformation in general?
New Project: Imaginaries of Artifical Intelligence
Mike Schäfer elected member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering
Science Communication: Learning From Science News via Interactive and Animated Data Visualizations
Publizistik: Truly irrelevant?
PuS: The "replication" Crisis in the public eye
WIREs Climate Change: Climate Change in a Changing Media Ecosystem
New publication: Feeling Asian together
New Project: Assessing the Potential of Citizen Science in Switzerland
New publication: Can transparency preserve journalism's trustworthiness?
Publizistik: Public communication in times of artificial intelligence
Information, Communication & Society: Contested Chinese Dreams of AI?
Public Understanding of Science: Science-related populism
New publication: The role of sex and gender in search behavior online
New publication: Lithuanians’ perceptions of vaccination and their sources of information
New publication: Growing Influence of University PR on Science News Coverage?
Chinese Journal of Communication: #PositiveEnergy Douyin
Swiss academy: Sabrina Kessler as new elected member
New publication: Eyeing CRISPR on Wikipedia
New publication: We are a bit blind about it
We are hiring: PhD position at the IKMZ available
New publication: Science communication research in the German-speaking countries
Talks of our division: 2020
New publication: Analyzing science communication through the lens of communication science
New publication: Public Understanding of Science
Project funding: Debunking health myths
New publication: Health Communication
New publication: Measuring selective exposure to online information
Environmental Communication: News Media Coverage of Climate Change in India 1997–2016
New publication: Science communication scholars use more and more segmentation analyses
New publication: Liking, sharing or reading political content online
2 PhD positions at our department available
New publication: Global media and china
New publication: On measuring trust and distrust in journalism
Young Scholar Representative DGPuK Science Comm - Niels Mede
Our team: Presentations in 2019
New publication: How news media (de-)legitimize national and international climate politics
Mike Schäfer chairs expert group on Swiss science communication
New publication: Global similarities and persistent differences
Special Issue: Audience segments for science communication
New member: Niels Mede
New team member: Jing Zeng
New publication: Handbook on researching university communication
Senja Post appointed professor at the University of Göttingen
Structure and development of science communication research: co-citation analysis of a developing field
Chinese Social Science Today: Populism
New publication: What do we know about the humanities' representation in the media?
New publication: How do young adults engage with science and research on social media?
New team member: Meg Jing Zeng
New publication: Why do we click?
Research visit at the IKMZ: Lea Hellmüller
Jarren and Schäfer elected members of Akademie AG
New publication: Between active seekers and non-users
New publication: Searching online for information about vaccination
New publication: Transnationalisierte Öffentlichkeit und Klimapolitik
New publication: Climate change politics and the role of China
Adrian Rauchfleisch appointed as Assistant Professor at Taiwan University
Our Department: Presentations in 2018
New publication: The different audiences of science communication
New publication: Between fragmentation and dialogue. Twitter communities and political debate about the Swiss “Nuclear Withdrawal Initiative”
Mike S. Schäfer elected as President of SNSF Agora Commission
New publication: Trustworthy or shady?
New publication: How 'digital-born' media cover climate change in comparison to legacy media
Chess Lecture: Changing Science Communication
European Journal of Health Communication: Swiss population’s information awareness, behavior, and deficits during the COVID-19 pandemic
Niels Mede received the 2023 Dissertation Award of the SACM