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A new study by Sabrina Kessler, Birte Fähnrich and Mike Schäfer examines the state of science communication research in the German-speaking countries. Based on a standardized content analysis of all extended abstracts submitted to the annual conferences of the German Communication Association’s science communication division from 2014 to 2018 (N = 141), it describes the respective scholarly community, its research foci and objects. The results indicate that science communication has developed toward a well-established community and marks an institutionalization of the research field. Furthermore, the findings of the content analysis indicate that science communication research in the German-speaking countries shows parallels to international developments in terms of research foci, objects, and analytical models, but also differences regarding theories and methods.
Kessler, S. H., Fähnrich, B., & Schäfer, M. S. (2020). Science Communication Research in the German-Speaking Countries: A Content Analysis of Conference Abstracts. Studies in Communication Sciences,19(2), 243-251. Link to article