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A new article by IKMZ scholars Mike S. Schäfer, Sabrina Kessler as well as Birthe Fähnrich provides an overview of the empirical evidence that this research has generated. First, it describes the structures of the research field based on available meta-analyses. Then, it describes what is known about the communicators of science (such as scientists, journalists, PR experts, NGOs, and others) and about the portrayals of science in news media as well as online and in social media, and examines what is known about the uses and effects of science communication.
Schäfer, M. S., Kessler, S. H., & Fähnrich, B. (2019). Analyzing science communication through the lens of communication science: Reviewing the empirical evidence. In A. Lessmöllmann, M. Dascal, & T. Gloning (Hrsg.), Science Communication (S. 77-104). Berlin: de Gruyter.