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Silke Fürst received two awards in communication and media research. In April, she won the Best Presentation Award 2023 of the Ulrich Saxer foundation for her presentation “Fake it until you make it – What 19th century general advertiser (Generalanzeiger) can tell us about the competition of attention”. The award was given at the conference of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM) in Lucerne and is endowed with 500 CHF. Important findings of the presentation were published here:
Fürst, S. (2022). Etablierung von Zeitungen als „one-day bestsellers“: Nutzungszahlen und Publikumskonstruktionen auf den Titelseiten deutscher Generalanzeiger (1888–1902). Medien & Zeit, 37(4), 26–44.
For more information on the Best Paper Award:
In May, Silke Fürst received the Theory Award 2023 of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK). The award recognizes outstanding theoretical work and is endowed with 1000 Euro. The awarded article was published here:
Fürst, S. (2021). Neue Öffentlichkeitsdynamiken: Zu selbstverstärkenden, plattformübergreifenden Effekten von ,Popularität’. In: Eisenegger, M., Prinzing, M., Ettinger, P., & Blum, R. (Eds.) Digitaler Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit. Historische Verortung, Modelle und Konsequenzen (pp. 339–359). Springer VS.
For more information on the DGPuK Theory Award: