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A new study by Sabrina H. Kessler and Edda Humprecht examined how misinformation, particularly anti-vaccination views, spread on YouTube in Switzerland. Analyzing 450 videos in German and French, it found that videos with completely false information, often including conspiracy theories and distrust of authorities, were more common. Over a third of these videos contained partly false information that seemed scientifically valid, leading to more views and engagement. The most popular videos used commercial and emotional tactics. The study points out the danger of partly false information in Switzerland due to its credible appearance.
Humprecht, E. & Kessler, S. H. (2024). Unveiling Misinformation on YouTube: Examining the Content of COVID-19 Vaccination Misinformation Videos in Switzerland. Frontiers in Communication, section Health Communication, 9, 1250024. DOI: 10.3389/fcomm.2024.1250024