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Department of Communication and Media Research International & Comparative Media Research

Benjamin Fretwurst

Benjamin Fretwurst, Dr.

  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Academic Associate
+41 44 634 46 74
Room number
AND 3.12

Curriculum vitae

2009 – Present                                                                         Scientific associate at IKMZ of the University of Zurich.
2013                  Substitute professor and position dealing with «Communication theory and media effects» at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at the Free University, Berlin.
2011 Substitute professor and position dealing with «Media analysis/Research methods» at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at the Free University, Berlin.
2009 Teaching assignment by the University of Fribourg.
2008 Doctoral studies on the topic of «News in the interest of spectators. A conceptual and empirical redefinition of the theory of newsworthiness.» («summa cum laude»)
2008 Scientific project leader at the media and market research institute «House of Research».
2002 – 2008 Scientific associate at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at the Free University, Berlin in the department for Empirical Communication and Media Research.
2004 – 2005 Teaching assignment at the Berlin University of the Arts (UDK).
2002 Seminar guide for the course Advance Studies for Journalists at the Free University, Berlin.
2001 – 2002 Scientific associate for the Communication science at the University of Erfurt.
1997 – 2001 Lecturer for Advance Studies for Journalists at the Free University, Berlin.

Research and Teaching Interests

  • International agenda setting processes – Cross national agenda setting.
  • Research work on what is newsworthy, media criticism and media quality.
  • Political communication.

  • Evaluations of health campaigns.

  • Ongoing development of methods of surveys and analysis.




Fretwurst, Benjamin; Bonfadelli, Heinz: Die Perspektive der Rezipienten. In: Fiechtner, Stephanie / Trebbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Über Grenzen hinweg. Fernsehberichterstattung in der Schweiz. LIT Verlag: Zürich (in Vorbereitung).


Fretwurst: Reliability and Accuracy with Lotus. With Commentary on Calculating Lotus with SPSS. Werner Wirth / Katharina Sommer / Martin Wettstein / Jörg Matthes (Hrsg.): Qualitätskriterien in der Inhaltsanalyse. 176–203.


Fretwurst, Benjamin; Bonfadelli, Heinz: Nutzung und Akzeptanz der Angebote von Rundfunk und Presse in der Schweiz. In: Leonarz, Martina. Wissenschaftliche und praktische Medienpolitik als politische Daueraufgabe: Umstrittene Reaktion auf die Ausdünnung des Bannwaldes der Demokratie in der Schweiz. Baden-Baden, 261–282.


Fretwurst, Benjamin (2014). Risikowahrnehmung im Schadensfall. In: Wolling, Jens; Arlt, Dorothee. Fukushima und die Folgen: Medienberichterstattung, öffentliche Meinung, politische Konsequenzen. Illmenau, 101-121.


Fretwurst, Benjamin/ Bonfadelli, Heinz: Acceptance, expectations and evaluation. Concluding report of the BAKOM project SRG Radio/TV programs from the perspective of media usage (Survey in 2013): «Acceptance, expectations and evaluation.»


Newsworthiness and discussions on media. With: Sommer, Denise/Sommer, Katharina/Gehrau, Volker. In: Publizistik 57(4). S. 381–401.


Acceptance, expectations and evaluation. Concluding report of the BAKOM project SRG Radio/TV programs from the perspective of media usage (Survey in 2011): «Acceptance, expectations and evaluation.»


Attitudes of Zurich’s population about body weight. With: Wiegand, Doris/Stamm, Hanspeter.


Evaluation of the media campaign «Leichter leben». In: Praevention und Gesundheitsfoerderung. Nr. 28. S. 6–7.