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Department of Communication and Media Research Science Communication

Crowdfunding Science Festival

Crowdfunding is a new interface between science and society. It does not just finance scientific projects, but fosters dialogue between researchers and supporters. However, this interaction has been mainly of a digital nature up to now. The Science Crowdfunding Festival gave scientists and an interested public a chance to physically meet, exchange and critically reflect. They learned about past campaigns, discovered new ones, discussed project quality and funding criteria, visited workshops, listened to talks and attended a gala ceremony where prizes for the best campaigns, best videos and most original rewards were handed out.

Runtime: 2018

Funding: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Gebert Rüf Foundation, UZH

Participants: Prof. Dr. Mike S. Schäfer (UZH), Dr. Mirko Bischofberger (EPFL, Science Studio)

Total Sum: 27,000 CHF