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Department of Communication and Media Research Science Communication

Carbonbrief: How heatwave images in the media can better represent climate risks

Heatwaves have found an increasing resonance in media coverage. Many of them are illustrated by pictures displaying the advantages of a hot summer, i.e. people swimming or enjoying the sun, rather than its downsides. In a recent guest post on, geography professor Saffron O'Neill, discusses effects of visuals in media coverage. In doing so, he hints to a study conducted by Mike Schäfer and Tobias Füchslin with coauthors from the University of Münster and the University of Hamburg.

Link to guest post

Link to article: Metag, J./ Schäfer, M./ Barsuhn, T./ Füchslin, T./ Kleinen-von Königslöw, K. (2016): Perceptions of Climate Change Imagery: Evoked Salience and Self-Efficacy in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Science Communication 38 (2), 197-227. 
