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Department of Communication and Media Research Public Sphere & Society

Linards Udris

Linards Udris, Dr.

  • Oberassistent / Senior Research and Teaching Associate
+41 44 635 21 17
Room number
AND 2.86

ORCiD (0000-0002-5927-5039)

Google Scholar


Research interests

Sociology of the public sphere, political communication, social change, quality of media

Curriculum vitae

Since 2018: Senior Research and Teaching Associate at the Department of Communication and Media Research IKMZ / University of Zurich and Deputy Director of Research at fög – Research Center for the Public Sphere and Society / University of Zurich

2015-2017: Deputy Director of fög – Research Institute for the Public Sphere and Society / University of Zurich

Since 2011: Research Associate at fög – Research Center for the Public Sphere and Society / University of Zurich

Since 2006: Lecturer at the Universities of Zurich (since 2006), Bern (2014, 2016, 2020, 2022), Salzburg (2016), Fribourg (2021), Zurich University of Applied Sciences (2011-2020), Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (2019-2022), Bern University of Applied Sciences Social Work (2014-2020) and MAZ – Institute for Journalism and Communication (since 2023)

2010: Doctorate (Dr. phil.) with the dissertation "Political Extremism and Radicalism: Problematization and Discursive Opportunity Structures in Public Communication in German-speaking Switzerland" (K. Imhof, F. Esser)

2005-2010: Research and Teaching Associate at fög – Center for Research on the Public and Society / University of Zurich

2000-2001: Teacher of German at Hartford Union High School (Wisconsin, USA)

1997-2005: Studies of General History, English Linguistics and Sociology at the University of Zurich

Download full CV here (PDF, 259 KB)

External activities and memberships

Conference organizer: "Media performance and Democracy - The Debate Continues" (ICA Preconference, San Diego, May 2017; together with J. Seethaler, Austrian Academy of Sciences), "Populism and Democracy" (BMU & NCCR Democracy, Zurich, June 2016, together with W. Wirth & F. Esser, IKMZ UZH, and W. Haug, BMU), "Media Performance and Democracy - Defining and Measuring the Quality of News" (ICA Preconference, Fukuoka, June 2016, together with J. Seethaler, Austrian Academy of Sciences)

Guest contributions, interviews and statements for, among others, 20 Minuten (27.6.2023, 22.4.2022, 2.1.2022, 4.6.2021), ARD Tagesschau (1.2.2023), Deutschlandfunk (14.10.2019), KleinReport (26.9.2023, 15.7.2020), La Liberté (24.1.2022), La Regione (7.11.2023), Le Matin Dimanche (29.11.2020), Neue Zürcher Zeitung (5.5.2015), Radio 1 (22.10.2018), Radio SRF1 (14.7.2022), Radio SRF Echo der Zeit (16.1.2023, 14.1.2022), Radio SRF Kultur (21.11.2021), Radio SRF Rendez-vous (14.10.2019), Republik (15.2.2018), SRF 10vor10 (4.1.2022), SRF Abstimmungsstudio (4.3.2018), SRF Einstein (25.10.2018), SRF myschool (2.3.2020), SRF Tagesschau (15.2.2022, 23.2.2021), St. Galler Tagblatt (28.2.2022), Süddeutsche Zeitung (13.7.2022), Tages-Anzeiger (5.5.2023, 17.9.2020), WOZ (26.10.2023)

Member of ICA (Political Communication Division, Journalism Studies Division), ECREA (Political Communication Division), DGPuK, SGKM, Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zurich, associated partner of the European Journalism Observatory

Reviewer for Political Communication, Publizistik, M &K – Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft, h-soz Kult, Information, Communication & Society, Journalism, Journalism Studies, SComS, and Swiss Political Science Review

Invitations and awards

2022: Top Faculty paper award, Journalism Studies Division, International Communication Association (Co-Author)

2018: Invitation as keynote speaker at the division conference "Political communication in and about crises" (DGPuK & SGKM, Division Communication and Politics), Fribourg, 9.2.2018

2018 and 2017: Invitation as speaker at the Swiss Digital Day, Zurich main station, October 2018 and November 2017; watch video accompanying the event with the UZH Talk by Linards Udris here ("Nutzen wir in zehn Jahren im Internet noch gute Medien?")

2009: Award of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research for the dissertation (Sabbatical)

Projects (last five years)

2010-current: Yearbook Quality of the Media - Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera, sponsored by the Kurt Imhof Foundation for Media Quality.

2013-current: vote monitor (analysis of media coverage of elections and votes in Switzerland), supported by own resources and Gottlieb und Hans Vogt Stiftung

2022-2024: News literacy on the move - Interactive module of the touring exhibition “real(ly) false? Searching for the truth”, funded by SNSF (Agora)

2022-2023: Structure of online news media, funded by OFCOM (BAKOM)

2018-2022: Media performance and democracy, D-A-CH project, funded by DFG, FWF and SNF

2021-2022: News agencies and media diversity, supported by Landesanstalt für Medien NRW

2020: On the effects of tech intermediaries on the (Swiss) public sphere – chances and risks

Selected publications

Full publication list can be downloaded here (PDF, 245 KB).
All publications are also listed on ZORA.

Co-Editor and Author of Yearbook Quality of the Media (since 2010). Access here.

Magin, M., Stark, B., Jandura, O., Udris, L., Riedl, A., Klein, M., Eisenegger, M., Kösters, R., & Hofstetter Furrer, B. (2023). Seeing the Whole Picture. Towards a Multi-perspective Approach to News Content Diversity based on Liberal and Deliberative Models of Democracy. Journalism Studies, 24(5), 669–696.

Udris, L., & Eisenegger, M. (2023). Referendum Campaigns in the Digital Age: Towards (More) Comparative Analyses in Hybrid Media Systems. Media and Communication, 11(1), 1–5.

Udris, L., Stark, B., Magin, M., Jandura, O., Riedl, A., Klein, M., Furrer, B. H., & Guix, R. P. (2023). Vielfalt in den Nachrichten. Ein Vergleich digitaler und analoger Angebote von öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien und Tageszeitungen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 71(1-2), 61–84.

Udris, L., Vogler, D., Weston, M., & Eisenegger, M. (2023). Sourcing practices of online news media in Switzerland during the war in Ukraine. Frontiers in Political Science, 5, Article 1089994.

Vogler, D., Weston, M., & Udris, L. (2023). Investigating News Deserts on the Content Level: Geographical Diversity in Swiss News Media. Media and Communication, 11(3).

Rinscheid, A. & Udris, L. (2022). Referendum Campaigns in Swiss Energy Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Media Coverage and a Case Study of Media Influence on Voting Behavior. In P. Hettich & A. Kachi (Eds.), Swiss Energy Governance. Political, Economic and Legal Challenges and Opportunities in the Energy Transition (pp. 283–312). Springer.

Blassnig, S., Udris, L., Staender, A. & Vogler, D. (2021). Popularity on Facebook During Election Campaigns: An Analysis of Issues and Emotions in Parties’ Online Communication. International Journal of Communication, 15, 4399–4419.

Magin, M., Steiner, M., Häuptli, A., Stark, B., & Udris, L. (2021). Is Facebook driving tabloidization? A cross-channel comparison of two German newspapers. In M. Conboy & S. A. Eldridge (Eds.), Global tabloid: Culture and technology (pp. 56–74). Routledge.

Stark, B., Riedl, A., Eisenegger, M., Schneider, J., Udris, L., & Jandura, O. (2021). Qualität des politischen Nachrichtenangebots in Deutschland: Empirische Kernbefunde aus dem Projekt "Media Performance and Democracy". Media Perspektiven(9/2021), 430–449.

Udris, L., & Eisenegger, M. (2021). Abstimmungsberichterstattung. In M. Prinzing & R. Blum (Eds.), Handbuch Politischer Journalismus (pp. 219–227). Herbert von Halem.

Udris, L., Eisenegger, M., Vogler, D., Häuptli, A., & Schwaiger, L. (2021). Reporting when the current media system is at stake. Explaining news coverage about the initiative on the abolishment of public service broadcasting in Switzerland. In E. C. Tandoc, J. Jenkins, R. J. Thomas, & O. Westlund (Eds.), Critical Incidents in Journalism: Pivotal Moments Reshaping Journalism around the World. New York / London: Routledge.

Udris, L., Marschlich, S., & Vogler, D. (2021). Abstimmungskampf um das Verhüllungsverbot: Sichtbarkeit von Akteur:innen und ihrer Positionen in redaktionellen Medien und auf Twitter. In fög – Forschungszentrum Öffentlichkeit und Gesellschaft / Universität Zürich (Ed.), Jahrbuch Qualität der Medien 2021 (pp. 63–76). Schwabe.

Vogler, D., Schwaiger, L., Schneider, J., Udris, L., Siegen, D., Marschlich, S., & Eisenegger, M. (2021). Falschinformationen, Alternativmedien und Verschwörungstheorien – Wie die Schweizer Bevölkerung mit Desinformation. Bericht für das Bundesamt für Kommunikation. Zürich. fög – Forschungszentrum Öffentlichkeit und Gesellschaft / Universität Zürich.

Vogler, D., & Udris, L. (2021). Transregional News Media Coverage in Multilingual Countries: The Impact of Market Size, Source, and Media Type in Switzerland. Journalism Studies, 22(13), 1793–1813.

Udris, L., Eisenegger, M., Vogler, D., Schneider, J., & Häuptli, A. (2020). Mapping and Explaining Media Quality: Insights from Switzerland’s Multilingual Media System. Media and Communication, 8(3), 258–269.

Humprecht, E., & Udris, L. (2020). Long-Term Trends in News Content. In H. Örnebring (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Vogler, D., Udris, L., & Eisenegger, M. (2020). Measuring Media Content Concentration at a Large Scale Using Automated Text Comparisons. Journalism Studies,21(11), 1459–1478.

Eisenegger, M., Udris, L., & Ettinger P. (Eds.) (2019). Wandel der Öffentlichkeit und der Gesellschaft: Gedenkschrift für Kurt Imhof. Wiesbaden: Springer.

Eisenegger, M., & Udris, L. (2019). Eine öffentlichkeitssoziologische Theorie des sozialen Wandels in der digitalen Gesellschaft. In M. Eisenegger, L. Udris, & P. Ettinger (Eds.), Wandel der Öffentlichkeit und der Gesellschaft: Gedenkschrift für Kurt Imhof (pp. 3–28). Wiesbaden: Springer.

Jandura, O., & Udris, L. (2019). Parteigänger oder neutrale Berichterstatter? Die Berichterstattung in Schweizer Printmedien vor den eidgenössischen Abstimmungstagen. MIP – Mitteilungen des Instituts für Deutsches und Internationales Parteienrecht und Parteienforschung, 25(1), 111–120.

Jandura, O., Udris, L., & Eisenegger, M. (2019). Die Medienpräsenz politischer Akteure in Deutschland und der Schweiz. UFITA, 83(1), 170–195.

Kalogeropoulos, A., Suiter, J., Udris, L., & Eisenegger, M. (2019). News Media Trust and News Consumption: Factors Related to Trust in News in 35 Countries. International Journal of Communication, 13, 3672–3693.

Lucht, J., & Udris, L. (2019). Der Erfolg des politischen Populismus – eine Folge der Kommerzialisierung der Medien? In M. Eisenegger, L. Udris, & P. Ettinger (Eds.), Wandel der Öffentlichkeit und der Gesellschaft: Gedenkschrift für Kurt Imhof (pp. 89–112). Wiesbaden: Springer.

Udris, L. (2019). Political communication in and about crises. Potentials of a fragmented field. Studies in Communication Sciences,19(1), 131–152.

Udris, L., & Schranz, M. (2019). Das Intime im Blick der Medien. Eine vergleichende Analyse zur Intimisierung der Berichterstattung in Schweizer Informationsmedien der Gattungen Presse, Rundfunk und Online. In P. Ettinger, M. Eisenegger, M. Prinzing, & R. Blum (Eds.), Intimisierung des Öffentlichen (pp. 119–142). Wiesbaden: Springer.

Udris, L., Eisenegger, M., & Schneider, J. (2018). Medienresonanz von Abstimmungsvorlagen im Vergleich. In D. Kübler (Ed.), Schriften zur Demokratieforschung. Herausgegeben durch das Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau. Medien und direkte Demokratie (pp. 65–88). Zürich: Schulthess.

Lucht, J., Udris, L., & Vogler, D. (2017). Politische Inszenierungen. Eine Inhalts- und Resonanzanalyse der Facebook-Seiten bundesdeutscher Parteien: Durchgeführt vom Forschungsinstitut Öffentlichkeit und Gesellschaft der Universität Zürich (fög) im Auftrag der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Bonn.

Udris, L., Eisenegger, M., & Schneider, J. (2016). News Coverage about Direct-Democratic Campaigns in a Period of Structural Crisis. Journal of Information Policy, 6, 68–104.

Udris, L., Lucht, J., & Schneider, J. (2015). Contested federal elections in increasingly commercialized media. A diachronic analysis of elections news coverage in Switzerland. Swiss Political Science Review, 21(4), 578–595.

Udris, L., & Lucht, J. (2014). Mediatization at the structural level: independence from politics, dependence on the market. In F. Esser & J. Strömbäck (Eds.), Mediatization of politics. Understanding the transformation of Western democracies (pp. 114–136). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Udris, L. (2011). Politischer Extremismus und Radikalismus: Problematisierung und diskursive Gelegenheitsstrukturen in der öffentlichen Kommunikation der Deutschschweiz. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Download Manuskript (PDF, 8755 KB)

Teaching (since 2018)

University of Zurich: 6 lectures on election and referendum campaigns (2019), media content and media use (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023); 5 seminars on protest communication (2022, 2023), media organizations (2021), crisis communication (2019), organizational communication (2019); 3 BA research seminars, including supervision of BA Theses, on protest communication (2019), referendum campaigns (2023) and elections and referendums (2021); supervision of MA Theses

University of Bern: courses within the Executive Master of Public Administration (2020, 2022)

University of Fribourg: 1 lecture on election and referendum campaigns (2021)

Applied universities and institutions (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Bern University of Applied Sciences Social Work, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, MAZ – Institute for Journalism and Communication: courses on issue management and reputation management

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